Sunday, February 22, 2009

There is only one Light of the world

Where does the darkness go when you turn on the light? Does it run and hide? Is there a darkness warehouse where it is kept until it is needed again? Is it banished to darkness hell? No, the darkness simply ceases to exist because darkness cannot exist in the presence of light. Darkness has no power over light what so ever. There is no such thing a a flash dark. Or new special lower watt dark bulbs, to save you energy or deluminating ones to cut down on annoying bright spots. You can't extinguish a cigarette with a darker.
But there are times when the sun can be eclipsed, the moon waxes and wanes. In such cases we know that the source of light is simply obscured. The source is still as present and bright as ever. This concerns me when I think about the fact that Jesus is the Light of the world. I worry about the things that obscure Him. Last week a poll showed that more people consider Barack Obama to be a hero than do Jesus Christ. My intent is not to speak badly of Barack Obama, but at the moment he is obscuring the Light of the world. The reason for this, I believe is temporary. Obama has risen to such a state of fame and popularity that it is no wonder when asked who people think of as a hero he would come to mind. I think that we will see in a few months that people will realize that Barack Obama is just a man. Will he do great things for America? Only time will tell. But no matter what, he will never be the savior of the world. Can he deal with Americas problems? Don't know? Can he deal with your sin? Not a chance. But that is not his job. That is why Jesus will always be the one and only Light of the world, and He shines just as bright today as He ever has. Let's make sure the obstructions don't last.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Knowing where daddy is

Being a pastor makes you think especially when you have a Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday evening to prepare for, all of which you want to be filled with fresh, attention getting and keeping thoughts, ideas and illustrations. I hope you will enjoy the one I used last night.

Anna Maria is now 3 and she has discovered the game of hide-n-seek. She, however, has her own variation of the game. She takes daddy into the bed room and shows him where he needs to hide. She then leaves the room and mommy helps her count to 10, she can only make it to 7 on her own. She then comes back into the room and wouldn’t you know it she has no trouble what-so-ever finding daddy. Then when it is her turn daddy leaves the room and counts to 10, without mommies help. When daddy gets back in the room he hears a sweet little voice giggle from under the covers or behind the door or in the bathroom, “I’m over here daddy.” She seems to like to know where daddy is and for daddy to know where she is. Now while this may not be your traditional game of hide-n-seek it made me think about my heavenly Father. To say, in my humble opinion, that the world is going to “hell in a hand basket” is an understatement. One thing that lends me comfort is knowing where my Father is and that He knows where I am. While it may be fun to play games it is nice to know that there is no where that I can go and hide from Him and while it may not always seem like it, He would never ever hide from me.