Where does the darkness go when you turn on the light? Does it run and hide? Is there a darkness warehouse where it is kept until it is needed again? Is it banished to darkness hell? No, the darkness simply ceases to exist because darkness cannot exist in the presence of light. Darkness has no power over light what so ever. There is no such thing a a flash dark. Or new special lower watt dark bulbs, to save you energy or deluminating ones to cut down on annoying bright spots. You can't extinguish a cigarette with a darker.
But there are times when the sun can be eclipsed, the moon waxes and wanes. In such cases we know that the source of light is simply obscured. The source is still as present and bright as ever. This concerns me when I think about the fact that Jesus is the Light of the world. I worry about the things that obscure Him. Last week a poll showed that more people consider Barack Obama to be a hero than do Jesus Christ. My intent is not to speak badly of Barack Obama, but at the moment he is obscuring the Light of the world. The reason for this, I believe is temporary. Obama has risen to such a state of fame and popularity that it is no wonder when asked who people think of as a hero he would come to mind. I think that we will see in a few months that people will realize that Barack Obama is just a man. Will he do great things for America? Only time will tell. But no matter what, he will never be the savior of the world. Can he deal with Americas problems? Don't know? Can he deal with your sin? Not a chance. But that is not his job. That is why Jesus will always be the one and only Light of the world, and He shines just as bright today as He ever has. Let's make sure the obstructions don't last.