Monday, March 16, 2009

Let people be people and God be God

I was in a store not too long ago and I overheard a young lady who was looking at clothes, she found a shirt that she liked. The shirt, however, didn't have a price tag. To which she said,"I hate people." It really concerns me that something so simple could elicit such a strong response. While I could be wrong, to me, it honestly sounded like there was hate behind the comment and not just an off the cuff remark.

A long time ago I decided to let people be people and to let God be God. My faith is and always will be in the later. People are always going to let me down, if I put too much faith in them. That is why I choose to give them the freedom to make mistakes, and not have to worry about living up to my expectations. I want to love people in spite of their failings. Don't get me wrong, as a pastor I want to encourage and challenge people to live up to what God would have them to be, namely more Christlike. But if they fail I don't want them to fear disappointing me. The reason, I know how often I fail others. I know that many times I have let people down and disappointed them.

I am sorry that this young lady didn't find a price on the shirt she liked. In retrospect I wish I had said, here let me see if I can find someone who can tell you how much it costs. Who knows had I done so that feeling of hate might have subsided, but it also might have gotten redirected. Where? At me.

I fear that such a statement of hate shows something of the character that lies within that young lady. I read somewhere that your spirit, your inward character is in process of becoming something, (If you are in Christ we call that sanctification). Something either unbelievably good or something unimaginably dark. That something is the main thing God sees when he looks at us. I hope you are more concerned about what God sees than what I see.

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