My goal is to try to post something new every Monday. But yesterday I simply didn't feel like blogging. So I had the choice of either trying to so something half-heatedly, or give it a day and see if I felt more productive today. We live in a world of fast paced, high stress deadlines. When it comes to preaching on Sunday, I can't get up and tell my congregation, "could you all please come back tomorrow, I don't feel like preaching today." At least I don't think I could get away with that... While my blogging does not come with such pressure I do realize that we cannot simply put things off because we don't feel like doing them right now.
I am so thankful that God's timing is perfect. I so glad that God's acting on our behalf is not dictated by His whims. As I read my Bible thru this year, as I have done every year for the past 10 years or so, I am struck by all of the promises that God makes. I have cool Logos Bible software and it allows me to do all kinds of different highlighting and notes in the Bible. One of the things I have been highlighting is God's promises. And you know, not once does God say, "if you obey and I feel like it..." or "Now you be good and I a happen to be in a good mood..." God's promises are based on His faithfulness not His 'feeling-like-it-ness.'
I am sure that Jesus did not feel like going to the cross. But I praise God that Jesus did not get to the garden and say, "Dad, I can't do it. It's harder than I thought it was going to be, we are going to have to find another way." I am driven to my knees with appreciation by the fact that Jesus, as the nails were about to be driven into his hands and feet, did not call time out and say, "Okay dad this is going to hurt way too much, those legions of angels, bring em on." I am glad that He did not look down through history and see me and think, "Naaa, Tom really isn't worth all this." Aren't you? He hung in there until He could say, "Tetelestai" (It is finished).
Thanks for this. I often need the reminder that my relationship with God is, in no way, based on my faithfulness. :)